The Swaggin Wagon!!!!

     So best day ever!! So back story oh this I had just gotten married and my husband had just left and when I say left I mean he walked out of my life forever. Work was crazy and my life was just falling apart and I came to work on Dec. 13 and really did not want to be here until I saw this most beautiful thing ever the swaggin wagon and not just any swaggin wagon it was the ellen's swaggin wagon!!! I was late to work so because I was taking picture. Than on my break i had meagen  (who is my best friend at work) take a picture of me with the bus!!! It just made my day and like my whole life.

          So this is me with the bus!! AWESOME

        This is ellen's face and some of my finger

     I got to touch the bus!!!! :) it just made me so happy


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